301 LEE LN HUNTLAND TN 37345-3033 USA Inquiry@iptmogov.org

Trademark Domain Resolution

Don't Let Cybersquatters
Take Your Trademarked Domain
Let Us Help

Our expert team can help businesses navigate complex
domain name disputes, such as cases involving confusingly
similar domain names or domain names registered in bad faith.
We work to recover or transfer the disputed domain name to
the rightful trademark owner

Trademark Domain
Protection: When to Do It

Ideally trademark registration and domain name registration go hand in hand. You may have the perfect trademark for your business, but what happens if the domain name is not available? It may not be worth the hassle of positioning your new brand in the market place if possible clients are unable to find you online easily through your trademark name. Every business should aim to have identical trademarks and domain names for their business. This is not always possible if a correct strategy is not put in place from the start. Trademark Nova's trademark domain resolution service helps businesses protect their online presence and brand reputation by resolving domain name disputes. With the rise of cybersquatting and domain hijacking, it's becoming increasingly important for businesses to secure their online trademarks. Trademark Nova also provide ongoing monitoring to prevent future trademark infringement. With our trademark domain resolution service, businesses can rest assured that their online trademarks are protected and secure.

Partnerships and LLPs
Difference Between Trademark & Domain Names
Trademarks protect the name or design a business uses to differentiate itself from competitors that offer similar goods or services.
Domain names are the words used to connect you with a website. Without domain names you would have to know the IP address of a website to access it.
A Trademark application is done before the patent and trademark office of the country in which you want to protect it. Trademark registration usually requires you to be represented by an IP law firm.
A domain name is registered through a domain name registry that is not necessarily associated with a specific country. As a general rule anybody can register a domain name directly through the registry and the services of a law firm are not necessary.
The trademark owner will only have rights to the trademark in the country or countries they have effectively registered the trademark in.
The domain name owner has exclusive rights to use the domain name as registered. Top level domains are accessible over the internet from anywhere in the world.
In the case of domain names identical domain names cannot exist in a single top level domain. Top level domains is the last portion of a domain name. Examples of top level domains are “com”, “net” and “org”.
Information about the trademark owner will always be publicly available.
Information about the owner of a domain name can be hidden in certain cases by paying extra fees.
A registered trademark constitutes intellectual property.
A domain name does not grant intellectual property rights.

Domain Name Service

With issues related to their use becoming ever more closely aligned with those of trade mark registration, domain names are now an integral part of any Intellectual Property portfolio.

At IPTMOGOV, we offer specialist expertise covering all aspects of domain name management. This includes general advice on the selection of domain names and filing strategies. Our service areas in particular include:

Our Services

Arbitration & dispute resolution

Arbitration through WIPO Arbitration & Mediation Center


Domain name disputes

Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights related to Domain Names and websites

E-Commerce related IP issues

Infringements, Unfair Competition & Passing-off

Investigation Services


Domain Name filings & Registration

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Frequently Asked Questions

Anybody introducing a new brand identity or planning on offering newly branded services or products should take the necessary steps to protect their trademark.

The answer to this question will differ from agency to agency and based on staffing changes and enhanced technologies at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. If you’re asking us specifically, you can count on the entire application process to take from 08 to 12 months.

It can take up to 10 years. Also, the registration can easily be renewed so long as you have made sure to maintain an uninterrupted use of your trademark in interstate commerce.

If you have a federally registered trademark, you will be able to use the ® symbol. For every other mark, whether unregistered or registered, you will not be required to add a designation. However, we always advise mark owners to attach the ‘SM’ or ‘TM’ symbol to tell the industry that your company name, logo, or symbol is proprietary to your services or goods.

We always tell our clients that we aren’t ‘oddsmakers’. In other words, you get exactly what you pay for. Our teams are skilled in improving the likelihood of your success. They perform clearance to search for similar trademarks before sending out an application and picking a highly distinctive mark.

We Help Drive Your Innovations in The Fast Lane. Complete Your Trademark Registration in Just 3 Simple Steps.Submit Your Trademark Information Spend a couple of minutes filling out a simple questionnaire. This will initiate your registration process for your trademark.Select Your Service & Make the PaymentGet all the details in order! Select your coveted service with Trademark Nova & make the payment for your desired services.Thorough Evaluation & Trademark FilingTo ensure that your trademark is completely unique, our team conducts a thorough trademark search across numerous databases and then file your trademark with USPTO.
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